We are located on The University of New Mexico campus on the corner of Redondo and Cornell in the Center for the Arts building, located at 203 Cornell Drive, NE.
Visit our Transportation & Parking page for information on where to park for performances at Popejoy Hall.
Please note: the best entrance for those using the Cornell Parking Structure is the new campus entrance at Princeton Drive (during the daytime) and from Campus Blvd during shows.
Attendants will no longer accept payment at the entrance to the structure. Once you’ve parked, note your parking stall number. Go to a pay station. There are two on every level. Enter your stall number and your payment. To pay in cash, go to the third level where there are two cash machines. However, those machines do not dispense change. Be sure to bring exact change for your $10.00 parking fee.
Oversized vehicles — anything over 6’8” — can not be accommodated inside the parking structure. Please park your vehicle in the G Lot and use the free shuttle.