Community Outreach
We invite low-income, at-risk, and special needs students who are participating in local educational programs with non-profit organizations to attend professional performing arts at Popejoy.
Not only are they exposed to the arts, but they also learn social and group behaviors and form a community around these shared experiences. For most, including the chaperones, it is their first experience with live performance and being in a theater. It is also their introduction to the University of New Mexico campus and the myriad of opportunities available through UNM.
Have an idea for a community outreach event with Popejoy Hall? Contact us at with details about your organization and interest.
Groups who have participated in the program include:
- 2nd District Judicial Children's Court (Bernalillo) PEG Program
- Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless (Tierra del Sol)
- Amity Foundation - Almas de Amistad
- Bataan Military Academy
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico (ABQ)
- Boys and Girls Club of New Mexico
- Bernalillo County Youth Services Center (YCS)
- Casa Angelica
- Children’s Court (Special Programs) Bernalillo County
- CYFD JJS ABQ Boys Integration Centers
- CYFD JJS ABQ Girls Integration Centers
- Delancey Street Foundation
- El Ranchito de Los Niños
- Entraspect New Mexico
- Excel Educational Enterprises
- High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
- Juvenile Drug Court in Sandoval County
- Keshet Dance Company
- Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe
- LULAC National Education Centers
- National Dance Institute
- New Mexico National Guard Child and Youth Program
- NMHU Community Clinical Treatment Program
- New Mexico Veterans Integration Centers
- Open Skies - Treatment Foster Care
- The Ranches
- Santa Fe Community College Adult Education
- Southwest Family Guidance Center
- Upward Bound
- Very Special Arts New Mexico
- Warehouse 508
- Working Classroom
- Young Women United
- Youth Building Better Lives
- Youth Development Inc. - Mentoring Initiative
- YWCA Henderson House
Additional Community Outreach
- Free master classes with teaching artists from Broadway and Ovation events for UNM students.
- Lectures and demonstrations for Theatre Lover’s Community (TLC), Oasis, and our Popejoy subscribers.
- Teaching artists from Schooltime Series shows expand out of the theater and into the classroom.
- Educational tours backstage with demonstrations of our technical equipment.
- UNM Dance students observe professional warm-up and rehearsal.
- Collaboration with non-profit organizations, and the Albuquerque arts community, and UNM departments in support of their projects.